Conditions treated

Humans are biologically designed to experience fear in the presence of a perceived threat or danger. Our bodies are beautifully designed to protect us and therefore chemical changes take place when we face danger. However when anxiety is excessive, or becomes generalised it is problematic. Therapy will help clients examine their beliefs in order to feel healthily concerned when faced with perceived threat.
Anxiety is a very commonly experienced emotional problem. We tend to feel anxious when we face a perceived threat or danger. Anxiety comes with a collection of highly unpleasant physiological symptoms. Most people will experience some rather than all of these. Not only is it unpleasant, but the emotion of anxiety will also influence how we behave and think about negative events. Anxiety is considered an unhealthy negative emotional response to a negative event. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) helps clients to tackle their beliefs in the face of a negative event in order to develop a healthy response to dysfunctional anxiety.
Depression bleaches the colour from life. Not only is it a painful and lonely illness, it is still misunderstood. So not only do we punish ourselves, we can also be punished by those around us.
Depression, as an emotion, is typically experienced in the presence of a loss or failure. Depression is debilitating; we may want to withdraw, isolate and behave in ways that are consistent with feeling depressed. Anyone who has experienced depression will know that it is unhelpful and highly undesirable. In therapy, clients are taught that it is largely our thinking that gives rise to our feelings of depression. From that time on, clients are taught how to think in healthy ways in order to develop feelings of healthy sadness/sorrow when loss or failure occur.
Personality Disorders
Disorders have their roots in the past. They are likely to be a reflection of attachment disorders and can result in relationship difficulties.
People with personality disorders tend to have disordered emotional relationships. In therapy the relationship between the therapist and client can also be disordered, but the therapist has the skill to contain this emotional dysregulation and help the client “in vivo”.
Grief and Loss
Grief is an emotion in response to loss. As humans in the world, we come across grief in its many forms. We grieve the loss of a loved one through death. We grieve the loss of a significant relationship. We grieve the loss of a much-loved pet. We grieve the loss of youth, the loss of time. As women, we grieve the loss of our femininity. We look at life, searching for a meaning and in the face of so much loss it is sometimes difficult to find one!